
5 Tips To Help Your Teen Work Through Challenges During The Pandemic

This year has been tough for so many. We’ve all had to make adjustments to stay safe and help stop the spread. Teenagers in particular have faced many letdowns this year. From missing graduation and prom to canceled sports seasons and college visits, there’s no doubt many teens are left feeling disappointed.


Now, as the COVID-19 numbers continue to surge, these feelings of disappointment can start to evolve into something more. Many teens are feeling depressed, anxious, and are finding it hard to focus on the new virtual world. If this sounds like a teenager in your life, try these tips to help them move through life’s current challenges.


            Get Enough Sleep


Schedules are important and can help provide the necessary structure for children and teens. Even if the 6 am alarm isn’t going off every morning, teens must get enough sleep. Too little sleep or too much sleep can cause problems.  Unhealthy sleep patterns can make conditions like depression and anxiety worse. Make sure your teen is getting the recommended 8-10 hours of sleep a night to help boost their mood and energy levels.


            Give Them Down Time


Remember that socially distant doesn’t mean socially isolated! We know that we have to stay apart physically to help save lives but there are plenty of ways to connect virtually. Set up a scheduled group chat with friends for your teen or a Zoom/FaceTime game night. Most importantly, help your teens develop strategies to overcome boredom at home.


            Communicate Openly


It’s important to tune into the way your teenager feels during these challenging times. Honest and open communication can help them understand what’s happening and why social distancing is essential. Keep them informed as new information and recommendations unfold. Let them know how important their feelings are and it’s OK to not be OK. Frustration, disappointment, stress, anxiety, and anger are all normal emotions that should come and go.


            Be Constructive With Screen Time


Embracing technology is part of our virtual world but there is such a thing as too much. Phones, tablets, and computers are now essential lifelines between teens and their friends which can make it difficult to limit screen time. One helpful tip is to encourage productive and creative time spent on the screen. Whether it’s an art project, gaming, or collaborative activity, help your teens use their screen time productively so they have a sense of accomplishment.


            Talk About Building Resilience


This is a concept that many adults struggle to understand.  Perhaps there’s never been a better time to talk to your teen about building resilience as you work on improving yours! Let them know that they can work through adversity, challenges, and setbacks such as the pandemic we’re currently facing. Resilience can help them learn to process emotions and control impulses. It can help teens have empathy towards one another.Resilience helps people build psychological strength to help cope with stress and adversity in life.


Teens are grieving. Many of their milestones are being canceled or postponed which can have a deep emotional impact. At Clear Mind Treatment, we provide a variety of life-changing treatments and therapies that can move your teen from surviving to thriving. Our comprehensive program is transformative and can teens find renewed mental wellness and hope during these challenging times.

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