
Ways to Manage Your Treatment-Resistant Depression

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Major depression is a serious mental illness with significant social and personal consequences. An estimated 16 million adults in the U.S. experience major depressive disorder each year, with about one-third of those cases being classified as major depression or clinical depression.

What is Depression?

Depression is a mood disorder, which means that it affects how you feel and how you think. While everyone feels sad or blue from time to time, when you have depression, these feelings don’t go away after a few weeks. They could last for years. Depression is different for everyone, but common symptoms include:

Emotional symptoms – feeling sad, hopeless, or irritable, loss of interest in activities you used to enjoy, feeling guilty or worthless, and feeling like you can’t do anything right

Cognitive symptoms – negative thinking, lack of focus or concentration, trouble making decisions, and a feeling of being overwhelmed

Physical symptoms – difficulty sleeping or sleeping too much, change in appetite, change in sex drive, headaches, and a general feeling of illness, including aches and pains

Major Depression Symptoms

There are many different types of depression. People with major depression, the most common type, may experience a combination of several or all of the following symptoms:

Significant and long-lasting changes in mood.

People with major depression often feel sad and hopeless, have little interest in things they once enjoyed, and may think about death or suicide.

Significant and long-lasting change in behavior and/or ability to function.

People with depression may lose interest in work, school, or other activities and may have difficulty with everyday tasks, such as cooking, cleaning, or taking care of their children.

They may also have a change in their sleep, eating, or sexual habits.

What Causes Depression?

Depression can occur at any stage in life. The causes of depression are not fully understood, but the condition can be brought on by a combination of genetic and environmental factors. Other mental illnesses such as anxiety disorders or substance abuse can also contribute to depression. Other possible causes of depression include: A history of depression or other mood disorders in the family. A traumatic event, such as the death of a loved one, divorce, financial problems, or losing one’s job. Physical or sexual abuse in childhood.

How to treat depression?

People of all ages can experience bouts of depression, but it is important to seek treatment if symptoms become severe and last longer than two weeks or interfere with daily life. The first step in treating depression is to see a doctor or mental health professional to rule out any other causes for your symptoms, such as a medical disorder or drug side effects. Treatment for depression often involves a combination of medication, therapy, and lifestyle changes. No two people are alike, so treatment strategies depend on your situation.

What is an intensive outpatient program for mental health?

Intensive Outpatient Programs (IOP) are an additional treatment that may be recommended for patients with a chronic mental illness who have not responded to standard treatment. It is a program that runs 3-5 day a week, for three to four hours, for several weeks or months. The goal of IOP is to teach the patient new skills and provide support so that the treatment can be continued at home. Many patients find it helpful to have the structure of a group setting. After a few weeks, the patient is transitioned to a less intensive program, such as 2 days a week treatment, or outpatient services as needed.


Major depression is a serious mental illness that can be treated with a combination of medication, therapy, and lifestyle changes. It is important to talk to your doctor if you feel you are experiencing symptoms of depression. With proper treatment and self-care, most people can overcome depression and lead full, healthy lives. Remember, you are not alone. There are many people who have gone through what you are experiencing. You can get better, and you can thrive.


Clear Mind Treatment is a 45-90 day program specialized in treatment resistant depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, and PTSD using traditional psychotherapy and cutting edge technologies, like Ketamine, TMS, EMDR. We are a big fan of neuroplasticity and meditation and believe that when you can change your thought and feeling patterns, you can change your life. We take most PPO insurance, like Cigna, United Health, Aetna, MHN, medicare, and AHCCES in Arizona. Give us a call anytime 310-571-5957 www.clearmindtreatment.com

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