Treatment Resistant Anxiety and What to Do

Anxiety is something that everyone faces in life, but some people face something even more on a daily basis, especially now with Covid still here after almost a year.

It becomes debilitating. It becomes something that stops people from participating in normal life events like parties, going to the grocery store, paying bills, leaving the house, etc. A person could have additional physical type of effects where their heart rate is elevated often, or their blood pressure is elevated, or they have panic attacks. 

Web MD mention’s several kinds of anxiety disorders

  • Generalized anxiety disorder . You feel excessive, unrealistic worry and tension with little or no reason.
  • Panic disorder . You feel sudden, intense fear that brings on a panic attack. During a panic attack you may break out in a sweat, have chest pain, and have a pounding heartbeat (palpitations). Sometimes you may feel like you’re choking or having a heart attack.
  • Social anxiety disorder . Also called social phobia, this is when you feel overwhelming worry and self-consciousness about everyday social situations. You obsessively worry about others judging you or being embarrassed or ridiculed.
  • Specific phobias . You feel intense fear of a specific object or situation, such as heights or flying. The fear goes beyond what’s appropriate and may cause you to avoid ordinary situations.
  • Agoraphobia.You have an intense fear of being in a place where it seems hard to escape or get help if an emergency occurs. For example, you may panic or feel anxious when on an airplane, public transportation, or standing in line with a crowd.  
  • Separation anxiety. Little kids aren’t the only ones who feel scared or anxious when a loved one leaves. Anyone can get separation anxiety disorder. If you do, you’ll feel very anxious or fearful when a person you’re close with leaves your sight. You’ll always worry that something bad may happen to your loved one. 
  • Selective mutism. This is a type of social anxiety in which young kids who talk normally with their family don’t speak in public, like at school.
  • Medication-induced anxiety disorder. Use of certain medications or illegal drugs, or withdrawal from certain drugs, can trigger some symptoms of anxiety disorder.

Science has become very familiar with the mind-body connection, and we truly feel that we have a good understanding of how the body and the mind both affect each other. This is how you can then affect your mood by certain things you do, not only pharmacologically, but also other means and methods that can affect your mind and body, and vice versa.

Some of it includes psychotherapy. In addition, when you also add ketamine treatment, which is effective for anxiety, neurofeedback training, and also transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), which helps directly modulate the brain to reduce anxiety, you are able to breakthrough your severe anxiety, possibly forever.

This is where our program becomes extremely effective, because we offer all of these treatments in the program at our centers, and in combination online.

Please call us if you have any questions about treatment resistant anxiety, depression, and our program. We have been very effective and how we’ve helped many people at this time, and can help you as well. If anything, seek help if not from us perhaps someone else.

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We provide comprehensive mental health treatment with advanced therapies including Ketamine, TMS, and psychotherapy for depression and anxiety.
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