
7 Things Mental Health Providers in Los Angeles Want You To Know

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When it comes to mental health, Los Angeles is a very delicate city. In fact, according to the National Council on Depression, Los Angeles has the most stress-addled inhabitants of any city in America. Of course, this makes sense when big cities are often referred to as “stress tests” for their inhabitants. However, there’s also a lot of good that comes from this. There are many wonderful mental health providers in Los Angeles who want to help others understand and accept mental illness as part of life. They are some of the kindest individuals that anyone could ever meet in this industry.

What Los Angeles Mental Health Providers Want You to Know

The most important thing that providers want you to know is that mental illness is very real and it is not a choice. Mental illness is an uncontrollable, unplanned chemical imbalance in the brain. It’s something that people rarely choose to have in the same way that people don’t choose to have diabetes or lupus. Mental illness is uncontrollable, but it is treatable, and many people find relief by engaging in appropriate therapy. This is a very important first step toward feeling better and taking back control of one’s life. Therapy can help people understand the source of their mental illness, cope with it better, and learn about all of their various treatment options. It’s important to understand that all therapy is not created equal. Two different people with the same diagnosis may respond very differently to the same therapy technique. Therapy is not a one-size-fits-all treatment. It’s important to find a therapist who is a good fit for you.

Mental Illness is Not a Choice

The most important thing that providers want you to know is that mental illness is very real and it is not a choice. Mental illness is an uncontrollable, unplanned chemical imbalance in the brain. It’s something that people rarely choose to have in the same way that people don’t choose to have diabetes or lupus. Mental illness is uncontrollable, but it is treatable, and many people find relief by engaging in appropriate therapy. This is a very important first step toward feeling better and taking back control of one’s life. Therapy can help people understand the source of their mental illness, cope with it better, and learn about all of their various treatment options. It’s important to understand that all therapy is not created equal. Two different people with the same diagnosis may respond very differently to the same therapy technique. Therapy is not a one-size-fits-all treatment. It’s important to find a therapist who is a good fit for you.

Therapy Works and Helps More Than Just Anxiety

Therapy can be helpful with so many mental health conditions. Many people think that therapy is only useful for people who have severe anxiety or depression. However, therapy is used to treat a wide range of mental health conditions, including eating disorders, relationship problems, substance abuse, trauma, and many others. It’s important to note that therapy is not a quick-fix solution. It is a treatment that helps people feel better over time. Some people may be able to resolve issues completely in just a few months, while others may need ongoing therapy for years. There is no rule about how long therapy should last, and it’s important to find a therapist who is comfortable with your treatment plan for as long as you need it. Therapy can be helpful for people who have mild symptoms as well as those who have been struggling for years. In fact, therapy is most effective when used to treat mild symptoms because it can prevent mild issues from becoming more severe.

Intensive Outpatient Programs (IOP) can be the right option for many

Intensive outpatient programs (IOP) are therapy programs that meet a few times a week in a group setting. IOP is a wonderful treatment option for many people. IOP groups allow people with similar issues to share their experiences and support each other. It’s also a great way to network with others in the mental health field. IOP is often a good option for people who have mild to moderate mental health issues because it allows them to remain employed, continue school, and have a very flexible schedule. IOP is also often covered by insurance, which makes it even more accessible to people.

Medication Can be the Right Option for Some

Many people have misconceptions about the role of psychotropic medications in mental health treatment. Many people incorrectly assume that all medications are used to make people “dumb and doped up.” However, medications are used in mental health treatment to help people feel better. There are many different types of medications used to treat mental health conditions. Some may be helpful for one person but not another depending on their diagnosis and symptoms. It’s important to note that not all mental health providers prescribe medications. Many psychotherapists do not prescribe medications, but they may be able to help you find a psychiatrist who is right for you.

Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) Helps With Depression and Anxiety, Too

Cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) is a type of therapy that has been proven to help with a wide variety of mental health conditions. CBT has been proven to be effective in treating anxiety disorders, eating disorders, mood disorders, and many other conditions. CBT is a talk therapy that often focuses on changing the way that people think about situations. CBT is a particularly helpful type of therapy for people who have depression and anxiety.

Ketamine Can Help with Treatment Resistant Depression

Many people with depression who have tried various types of therapy have found no relief from their symptoms. While most people respond well to treatment, there are some people who don’t benefit from any of the standard types of therapy. This is called “treatment resistant depression.” One treatment option for people with treatment resistant depression is a medication called ketamine. Many people respond well to a single dose of ketamine, and they experience relief from their symptoms that they have been struggling with for years. However, ketamine is not a long-term treatment. It’s important to note that treatment resistant depression is not a diagnosis in itself. It’s important to find a mental health professional who can help you determine if ketamine is the right treatment for you.

The Importance of Self-Care in Recovery From Mental Illness

The importance of self-care in recovery from mental illness cannot be overstated. Self-care is what allows someone with a mental illness to take care of themselves and engage in activities that promote recovery from their symptoms. It’s important to engage in self-care activities every day. Some examples of self-care activities include getting enough sleep, eating healthy foods, exercising regularly, and spending time with friends. Self-care is important for everyone, but it may be necessary for people with mental illness to engage in these activities more often. Self-care can be difficult for people who have a mental illness. It can be difficult to make time for these activities when people are often focused on their symptoms and trying to get through each day. However, engaging in self-care is one of the best things that people with mental illness can do for themselves. Self-care is what helps people feel better and continue working toward better mental health. It may take a while to get better, but it’s possible, and many mental health providers want you to know that you can recover from mental illness.


Clear Mind Treatment is a 45-90 day program specialized in treatment resistant depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, and PTSD using traditional psychotherapy and cutting-edge technologies, like Ketamine, TMS, EMDR. We are a big fan of neuroplasticity and meditation and believe that when you can change your thought and feeling patterns, you can change your life. We take most PPO insurance, medicare, and AHCCES in Arizona.

Give us a call anytime 310-571-5957


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Peaceful Mental Health

We provide comprehensive mental health treatment with advanced therapies including Ketamine, TMS, and psychotherapy for depression and anxiety.
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