You’re Not Alone: Celebrities Who Have Helped Lessen the Stigma of Struggling with Mental Health

Back in 2003, when Sixty Minutes Producer Trevor Nelson passed away, there was still a strong stigma surrounding mental health. In his obituary, his death was noted as being from complications from Meningitis. In a recent New Yorker article on suicide that traced the tragic death of his nephew, Nelson’s death was noted as suicide. Although there is far less of a stigma surrounding mental illness and suicidal ideation than two decades ago, it takes the passing of a celebrity like Naomi Judd to force people to realize that no one is immune from depression and suicide.

Celebrities are Raising Awareness for Mental Illness

People of any age and from any background can suffer from mental illness. Heightened awareness and direct communication are two of the first-line elements of addressing mental health problems, but they are not enough. In the most severe and life-threatening form of mental illness-suicidal ideation—people not only think about killing themselves but also conceptualize a way to do it.

One very positive trend has been that celebrities who struggle with mental health issues have gone public about it in recent years. In the entertainment world, Selena Gomez, Demi Lovato and Chrissy Teigen have spoken publicly about their troubles. High profile athletes like Kevin Love, Ben Simmons and Naomi Osaka have not only described their mental health challenges, but have also stepped away from competition to take care of themselves.

The Right Help Can Make the Difference for Mental Health Problems

Clear Mind Treatment is dedicated to providing tailored treatment protocols for a wide array of mental health problems, including all forms of depression and anxiety disorders. We offer both tradition Psychiatric approaches, along with highly effective Ketamine treatments that can be customized for individual patient needs.

If you or a loved one is experience severe depression or suicidal ideation, we urge you to call us to find out how we can help.

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We provide comprehensive mental health treatment with advanced therapies including Ketamine, TMS, and psychotherapy for depression and anxiety.
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