
What Nonbinary Means: Gender Identity Explained

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‍With more people like Ezra Miller (actor The Flash) and Demi Lovato identifying as ‘nonbinary,’ we wanted to make a quick guide in regards to what is nonbinary.

Nonbinary people are those who identify as something other than male or female. They may view their gender as falling somewhere on the spectrum, outside of it, or even a combination of both male and female at once. Unlike many others who identify as nonbinary, these individuals do not feel that they have to choose one gender over the other; rather, they feel that both genders are present in them simultaneously. Nonbinary people might be described with a variety of words: agender, non-gender, non-conforming, gender neutral, genderless, neutrois…the list goes on and on because there are so many different ways to be nonbinary. But no matter what you call them, nonbinary people all share one thing in common: They challenge traditional ideas about gender and self-identity by exploring options that go beyond the binary of male and female.

What Is Nonbinary Gender Identity?

Nonbinary gender identity refers to a person who does not identify as either male or female. Most people identify as either male or female, but an increasing number of people identify as something outside of these two genders. Nonbinary people might identify as agender, androgynous, between genders, multigender, or neither male nor female. You can also use the terms gender expansive or gender creative. Nonbinary people might feel that they are both male and female, neither male nor female, or anything in between. Some people think that they are a combination of male and female, while others do not think they fit into either category. Nonbinary people can also identify as transgender or be cisgender, depending on how they experience their gender.

Nonbinary People Aren’t Confused About Their Gender

Some people believe that nonbinary people are not sure about their gender, but this isn’t true. In fact, many nonbinary people know that they are nonbinary from a very young age. They may be aware of their nonbinary identity from as early as two years old, or even younger — which is far earlier than most people realize their gender. Since nonbinary people aren’t confused about their identity, it is important not to characterize them as such. Some people may assume that nonbinary people are unsure about their gender because they don’t understand nonbinary gender identities or don’t know how to respectfully interact with nonbinary people. This can make it difficult for nonbinary people to explain their identities to others. However, if someone is nonbinary, they are not confused or questioning their gender.

Why Do People Identify as Nonbinary?

There are many reasons why people identify as nonbinary. Some people do not feel that male or female describe their gender identities. Others don’t feel like they fit into the cultural expectations associated with either gender. Whatever their reasons, people who identify as nonbinary often face discrimination, abuse, and misunderstanding from people who don’t understand nonbinary gender identities. Many nonbinary people were assigned male or female at birth based on physical characteristics. But not everyone who is assigned a particular sex at birth identifies with that gender. In fact, many people don’t. It is possible that some people are misdiagnosed at birth because there is not always enough cultural awareness about nonbinary gender identities.

Correct pronoun use and why it’s important for nonbinary people

Correct pronoun use is one of the most important things you can do to support nonbinary people. Many nonbinary people use they/them pronouns, though some also use other pronouns like xe/xem, ze/hir, or others. If you aren’t sure which pronoun to use, ask! It may feel awkward at first, but you can definitely get better at it with time. If someone asks you to use their pronouns, it’s important to listen to them, especially if they are nonbinary. Many nonbinary people have to correct their pronouns often, and this can be a drain on their mental health. By correctly using someone’s pronouns, you are letting them know that you respect their identity.

What It Means to Be Agender

People who are agender do not feel like they have a gender identity, and they may not feel like they are either male or female. For example, someone who is agender might feel like they are neither a man nor a woman. While some people who are agender use terms like “gender neutral” or “genderless,” others prefer to identify as agender. It’s important to note that these terms are not interchangeable, even though they are often used as if they are. That’s because they describe two different identities.

What It Means To Be Non-Gender

People who are non-gender do not have a gender identity, but they do identify as something. Someone who is non-gender may feel that they are both male and female, or they may feel like they are neither male nor female. Some non-gender identities are similar to agender identities, but they are not exactly the same. For example, someone who is non-gender may feel like they do not have a gender identity, while someone who is agender may feel like they do not have a gender identity, but they also do not feel like they are either male or female.

What It Means To Be Neutrois

People who are neutrois experience gender in an extreme way. They may feel as though they have neutral-gender identities, or they may feel like they have no gender at all. It is also possible for someone to be both neutrois and another nonbinary gender identity. Some people who are neutrois use the term “neutral-gender” as a way to describe their identities. However, others may use the term “neutrois.” It’s important to note that these are two different identities, so it’s important to ask which word someone prefers when you are unsure.


Nonbinary people are often misunderstood, and this can make it difficult for them to be open about their genders. Fortunately, there is more awareness about nonbinary identities than ever before, and nonbinary people are coming forward to share their stories. It is important to be respectful of nonbinary people and how they identify. Correct pronoun use, talk to nonbinary friends about how they would like to be addressed, and use this guide to understand more about nonbinary gender identities.

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