Cash-Pay Mental Health Program for Military and Veterans

A Cash-Pay Mental Health Program Designed Especially for Military and Veterans

The California Health Interview Survey (CHIS) collected data from 2011-2013 to study the mental health needs of military and veteran populations. Their study showed that approximately 90,000 veterans had mental health needs and 200,000 reported thoughts of suicide within the last 12 months. This study helped to demonstrate that California veterans were more likely than the general population to report suicidal ideation.

We Designed a Program Specifically for Military and Veterans

Veterans represent 7.2% of the population in California. 92.4% of those veterans are male. Male veterans face a lot of stigma both at work and in general society about expressing concerns over their mental health. The data suggests that veterans and particularly male veterans don’t feel comfortable sharing that they’re struggling with mental health symptoms. As the symptoms worsen, the likelihood of attempted suicide increases.

Combat stress, also known as battle fatigue, is a common response to the mental and emotional strain that can result from dangerous and traumatic experiences.

Our Program Targets Traumatic Thought Processes and Suicidal Ideation

Active military and veterans face high-pressure and frightening scenarios every day. Symptoms of combat stress can include:

  • Irritability and anger outbursts.
  • Excessive fear and worry.
  • Headaches and fatigue.
  • Depression and apathy.
  • Loss of appetite.
  • Problems sleeping.
  • Changes in behavior or personality.

Combing through fear, anxiety, doubt and insecurity with a mental health professional can help professionals in this field stay sharp and high-functioning. It is possible to strike a balance between working in the military and maintaining ones mental wellness. Clear Mind Treatment is determined to help as many military and veterans establish this equilibrium as possible.

A Combination of Advanced Treatments: Psychotherapy + Ketamine + TMS

Using advanced treatments, our medical experts will first prepare your brain to receive treatment. TMS and Ketamine are advanced treatments for depression and anxiety because they create an environment in the brain wherein new neuropathways can be built. We then use psychotherapy and sometimes other psychopharmacologic solutions to create new coping mechanisms and new neurological responses to trauma, stress and extreme anxiety.

Active Military and Veterans Can Focus on Their Passions

It’s our goal to provide an accessible mental health treatment program to active military and veterans who want to remain healthy while focusing on their unique passions. Whether that’s furthering their career or retiring, we believe our military and veterans deserve to live unburdened by mental health conditions. This is a cash-pay program that is customized to each qualified candidate. The total cost of the treatment program is $3000 USD. We are actively accepting new applications.


Tran LD, Grant D, Aydin M. The Mental Health Status of California Veterans. Policy Brief UCLA Cent Health Policy Res. 2016 Apr;(PB2016-3):1-10. PMID: 27416644; PMCID: PMC6913533.

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Don’t wait for tomorrow to start the journey of recovery. Make that call today and take back control of your life!

Peaceful Mental Health
We provide comprehensive mental health treatment with advanced therapies including Ketamine, TMS, and psychotherapy for depression and anxiety.
All calls are 100% free and confidential.